Tuesday, November 12, 2013

GeoReferencing and Strategic Planning

Tuesday, October 29th, 2013

Hello Everybody,

         Over the weekend I was able to georeference the raster basemap from the Essex County Clerk office to the orthoimages obtained from the NYSGIS Clearinghouse. I used the georeference tools to effectively lay the county map over the orthoimages.

         On top of this I have started to strategize and develop a detailed plan of how I plan to collect GPS points for the needed areas -trails, and cabin paths/driveways. I also did research on what the whether would be like to be prepared for the worst. The plan is to head up north to the Otter Pond Club on Saturday, Oct. 2nd at 7:00 am. ETA is around 9:00 - 9:30am. From here Jonathan Glueckert, a volunteer assistant, and I will drop off our stuff at the cabin the Club has offered as a place to stay. We will then set off to collect points for as long as the sunlight will let us. We will then return to the cabin for the night and then finish collecting points until we have collected all that we need. The first day will consist of starting collect points of the the hunting and network trails. Day two will consist of collecting he remainder of these points and the points that will represent the driveways. Upon completion Jonathan and I will return back to Siena College that evening.

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