Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Plotted GPS Points

Tuesday, November 26th, 2013

Hello Everybody,

Yesterday I finally finish entering all the GPS points and other data variables into Excel from my field notebook. After a couple hours here and there all the data has been entered into Excel sheets in a nicely organized format. Upon finishing that process I was able to finally plot/display the GPS points onto the basemap. Overall I took 613 pairs of GPS points. These are very rough versions of what are to coming in the following week. Check out the results below!

This map displays the camp/property driveways.

This map displays the full extent of the Otter Pond Property with property line and trails.

1 comment:

  1. Wow thats looking great Evan! I like how you took a large number of points, it makes it easy to see and gives you a really detailed look of the trail. Again nice job, I know personally how time consuming it is to plot all those points. Looking forward to seeing it all come together!
