Monday, November 11, 2013

Collecting Layers and Making a Basemap

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013

Hello Everybody,

          This week I have been working on a couple tasks. Mainly, finding data layers to add to my map, learning how to georeference a raster from a JPEG.

        I began with finding new basemaps and layer to use for the final product. After having some difficulty with importing basemaps from the internet through ArcMap I decided that it might be best to try some other sources. I began my search at the New York State GIS Clearinghouse. From hear I used NYS Orthos Online, an interactive map that allows the user to select the region they would like orthoimagery by using a tool similar to that of select by rectangle in ArcMap. An example of what the application look like can be found below. Once I had select the area of interest I was able to download the orthoimages, extract them, and then load them into Arc Map. This gave me a clear satellite view of the Otter Pond Club and surrounding properties. Following this I was able to get internet database to work from which I began to add and remove layers as to see what information they provided to judge whether they had any use or not. I was able to find some land usage layers along with a topographic layer. I need to do more research to find a layer that provides information about the watersheds, roads, and a more up-to-date map showing land ownership. 

           On top of this research I began reading up how on how to georeference a JPEG file to a base map. After reading though chapter 11 of the Mastering GIS ed.5 textbook and practice the tutorial from within chapter 11 I was able to understand how to georeference with the examples and practice files given. Within the next week I'm going to perform this I using the orthoimages obtained from the New York State GIS Clearinghouse

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